Thursday, July 4, 2024


Question:  I have been thinking about selling real estate. Do you love selling homes?

Answer:  We love our job. It is a hard job, because there is no pay unless you sell a home.

But as we drive around our neighborhood during the holidays and see the children playing, smell the aroma of an American barbeque and hear the sounds of summer, we are even prouder of what we do because we helped someone find their dream home here! 

As we approach our nation’s birthday, here is something we thought we would share.

Beautiful lyrics from a classic American country song.

I've traveled all around this country.
In my time I thought I'd seen it all.
But today I took a detour down a back road,
Through a little town whose name I can't recall.

There were old men on benches playing checkers.
Children playing hopscotch on the square.
And high above a statue of an unknown soldier,
Old glory was waving in the air.

Suddenly I realized what I'd too long forgotten.
Chill rose up like mountains on my skin.
Overcome with a feeling,
I knew I was seeing,
America all over again

I knew the stop would throw me off my schedule,
But I parked around behind the Five and Dime.
There's something about a small town in the Summer,
Like a Norman Rockwell picture back in time.

Kids were courting at the Rexall soda fountain,
Like we did before they built the shopping mall.
I saw so many reasons why I love this country,
You know some things never really change at all.

As I left the two-lane road,
And pulled back on that super high way.
I thought of what I'd seen back in that town.
And it hit me like a freight train,
That a stone's throw from the fast lane,
America is still safe and sound.

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