The United States leads the world in medical practices, research and advancements. Many viruses have surfaced over the last ten years such as Ebola, the Swine Flu, Birds Flu, Secure Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the Zika virus and many others as each were addressed resulting in a successful treatment and outcome in creating a vaccine that limited the effects and spreading of such diseases amongst the world’s population.
We should be most confident that a treatment and vaccine will also be developed in combating this latest virus in the very near future.
We must be patient, heed the warnings and advice given by the Center for Disease Control and government officials and take all necessary steps in attempting not to be exposed to this virus.
Our clients may continue to show their home under strict guidelines for entering the home.
They may also choose to place their home on Temporarily off the Market status.
During this time, we are continuing to serve our clients and are committed to protecting our clients and their home the best we can in this unprecedented environment.
We are actively taking the following steps to ensure that we are doing what we can to keep everyone safe:
• Posting signage asking anyone who has been or has had contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is exhibiting symptoms to not enter the property but to instead reschedule their tour.
• Wipe down all doorknobs, counters and points of high touch before and after showings.
• Asking visitors to remove their shoes when they enter a home.
• Encouraging our team to work remote and engage in social distancing.
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