Monday, July 30, 2018

Coldwell Bankers New Dog Commercial. You will Love it!

By now, some of you probably have seen the heartwarming new Coldwell Banker® TV ad, “Old Dog, New Dog,” which debuted in May and is the highest rated real estate ad of 2018, according to AceMetrix. The ad promotes our National Pet Adoption Weekend, set for October 13 and 14.
Since partnering with national adoption network Adopt-A-Pet in 2015, Coldwell Banker’s Homes for Dogs Project has helped place more than 20,000 pets into loving homes.
Our involvement in projects such as Homes for Dogs reflects a commitment to creating lifelong connections and making a difference in the communities we serve. The closing line of the new ad sums it up perfectly: “Because our agents don’t just understand real estate, we understand what home is all about.”

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