Friday, August 28, 2009

National Association of Realtors 2008 Survey

NAR 2008 Survey Highlights:

41% of recent home buyers were 1st time buyers

1/3 of home buyers 1st step was to look online for properties

87% of all home buyers used the Internet to search for homes

94% of buyers aged 25 to 44 used the Internet to search for homes

Real estate agents were viewed as a very useful information source by 81% of buyers who used an agent while searching for a home

The typical home buyer searched for 10 weeks and viewed 10 homes

81% of buyers purchased their home through a real estate agent or broker

¼ of 1st time buyers reported that the mortgage process was somewhat more difficult than expected

67% of homebuyers in the Midwest were under 45 years old

The 3 overall factors that most influenced a neighborhood choice were quality of the neighborhood, convenience to job and affordability of homes

The median price paid by recent purchasers in the Midwest was $174,500
81% of buyers found the Internet and agents very useful information source

3% found the house they purchased through the newspapers, 1% through homes magazines

86% of buyers ranked multiple photos as very useful on websites

84% of buyers ranked detailed information as very useful on websites

68% of buyers ranked Virtual Tours as very useful on websites

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