Monday, March 10, 2008

Clean & Updated Homes

Q. Our Home is Clean but not updated. How will this affect the value of my Home?

A. Having a clean home is, of course, very important to prospective buyers. It seems buyer’s these days want a home that is clean AND updated. The average current buyer works 2 jobs and/or has kids with many activities, so they do not have the time to spend updating their next home. So, unless your home is priced much below the updated homes which are your competition, you can probably expect your home to have a longer market time (in this current market). There are many homes for a buyer to choose from. They will pick the home that is the cleanest & the most updated.
How long the current ‘buyer’s market’ will last is anyone’s guess. The best advice we can give a seller in a “buyers” market, is to update your home. You will not only enjoy the great look, but it will pay for itself somewhere down the road.

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